She’s genuine in that she knows herself and presents herself accordingly, albeit a bit inappropriately at times. What is so fantastic about Mae from the get go, is how comfortable she is with herself, she seems genuine, and not in the sense of she seems like a real person. She is obviously dealing with some personal feelings and this becomes more apparent as the game goes on. Starting out, Night in the Woods gives a simple introduction of Mae (cat-girl) coming home from having freshly dropped out of college and in a place of stagnation with her life. Instead of scenes of ‘cry here’ or ‘be afraid here,’ it’s about focusing on the conversation Mae (the main character) is a part of and how she herself is important to the dialog. It might not have the emotional weight other games might have, but has the air-of-reality that a lot don’t. While they’re a slew of games that could be listed off exploring the idea of relationship, Night in the Woods is a breath of fresh air. Night in the Woods shows relationships in a way that most video games go for but can’t seem to stick the landing. Night in the Woods knows exactly what it’s getting across and does it in a way that doesn’t feel out of the ordinary, even if everyone in the game is an animal-person. It shows us that while we may feel alone at times, or completely out of our minds with nothing to grasp on to, we also unwittingly surround ourselves with those in our lives that will stand by us whether good or bad. Night in the Woods, more than anything, does a fantastic job conveying the importance of relationship, no matter how it looks. It’s more of a prop, as well as a blending of the theme that the ‘going’s on’ seem to encompass. And while something strange does happen, it’s not what the overarching theme is focused on. When Night in the Woods was in development it looked to be some sort of mystery centered around the premise of something weird seems to be happening in your hometown. Besides being a narrative-based adventure game with heavy focus on dialogue, Night in the Woods turned out to be more heartfelt than first imagined. Night in the Woods was a different story.

Usually when sitting down to play a game, there is a general idea of what’s in store, how the game will approach the player, what mechanics will be in place, the overall narrative, etc.